Whether you’re trying to climb the corporate ladder, create freedom in your life, or you just know that you were meant for more… As high achievers, as visionaries, we’re always striving for more, more, more. And that mentality comes from the thinking that there...
Do you know what it feels like to hit the glass ceiling of success? Maybe you have this big dream, this big vision, where you know you’re called to more, but it seems like no matter how hard you try or how much progress you make, the success you want is juuusssst out...
“The most productive, high-achieving people are also the people who are the most giving and altruistic.” – Adam Grant We don’t typically correlate success with giving, but the two go hand-in-hand. God wired us in such a way that when we give, we receive...
Have you ever been told “fake it till you make it?” This concept is related to Imposter Syndrome and leaves you feeling inadequate, helpless, and full of doubt. When this mindset is adopted, it perpetuates thought cycles of not deserving success and not being...
Who just loves “back-seat drivers?” Don’t you just love when someone is sitting in the passenger seat giving you unsolicited advice, reminding you where to turn, and controlling what is not theirs to control? Why do we allow the same thing to happen when it...
abundance [ uh-buhn-duhns ]: noun: an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply: overflowing fullness So often when we are working towards a goal, we put blinders up and become so hyper-focused on what we want that we lose sight of what we have. ...