If you were given a death sentence, how would you spend the remainder of your time? 

How different would your life look? 

Would you be paralyzed by fear or would you finally follow that purpose and vision that you’ve been sitting on?

Our guest today, Brooke Thomas, found herself at this crossroads when she was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer at just 26 years old. 

As with any type of traumatic or unplanned event that enters our life, we are forced to stop, take evaluation, and choose how we move forward. 

A shift will inevitably occur and you will begin to chase after who you truly are and you will find your voice. 

What crossroads are you currently standing at? 

We only get this one, beautiful life. How will you choose to live out your purpose? 

Envision the future you dream about and speak it out loud…in audible words. There is power in your voice. 

Don’t allow defeat to take you down

Believe a different story. 

Believe a different outcome. 

Speak out loud what is in your heart – your passion, your vision, your mission.

I pray that whichever direction you choose to walk at your crossroads, that you are walking in your truest self and sharing your most genuine voice with the world. 

In this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I am talking with Brooke Thomas, CEO of Live Out Loud and an amazing entrepreneur who helps women pursue their purpose with confidence.

This interview is a part of a series called Take Your Seat at the Table, where I’m interviewing the Queens from our Queens Table Mastermind, all multi- 7 & 8-figure female business owners. They are going to share their journey with you. The good, the bad, the pivots, the tears, and the victories so you can see that YOU deserve a seat at the table. When I was growing my business, I just wanted to be able to have conversations like this one to figure out how I could think differently. So…this is for you! Pull up a chair – you deserve the success you see behind your eyes!

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:

  1. Intimidation and fear are partners with people pleasing. You are attacked at your highest calling. People will reject you, make fun of you, turn away from you, and try to quiet your voice the moment you choose to begin living out your purpose and calling. We naturally want to please people, so this type of response elicits fear and intimidation in causing us to second guess our God-given calling. Don’t let them stop you!

  2. Don’t water down your purpose by asking the wrong people if you should be doing it. Women are called to bold confidence. You have already done or are currently doing amazing things but discredit yourself with mindset phrases like “well, that doesn’t count.” We are so afraid to make a wrong move that we just remain stuck. Speak it out loud! Once you say it out loud, you break the chains and shut down the inner and outer critics.

  3. Walk, talk, and act like it’s done until it’s done. We have to speak it out. What you consume is what you speak out and become. What you speak out and become is what you walk out. Act like it’s done until it’s done.

Follow Brooke on Instagram and check out her website to stay up to date with all the Live Out Loud news.

To your success,
Dr. Shannon Irvine

P.S. Are you frustrated by your lack of clients? It seems like everywhere you turn, everyone is talking about their new clients, but you’re not seeing the results in your business. 

You’re not alone. 

Many businesses are still using the same, worn out methods that have stopped working- it’s no wonder they’re struggling!

Are you ready to:
Attract new clients quickly and easily – go from UNSEEN to SOLD
Grow your client base and lifetime sales significantly – raving fans that sell for you
Get paid in days, not weeks or months – Start selling in seconds
✨ Enjoy a consistent flow of revenue in today’s economy – times are changing, but it’s still possible to have consistent revenue coming in if you make the shift
Grow your business with less effort – no more hustle harder, losing sleep, and sacrificing time with loved ones. 

Join the Fast Client Close Method Workshop. This is a system that I developed after the shift in the economy and it’s helped me and my clients continue to close clients and income!


YES! I’m ready to Join the Fast Close Client Method Workshop

I’m loving the real-world ideas for success in all areas of business. Each episode gives great tips!

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