Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Dr. Shannon Irvine

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Dr. Shannon Irvine

Do any of these thoughts sound familiar? “I don’t think I have what it takes.” “I’m not expert enough.” “Who do I think I am to do that?” “People will find out I’m not really qualified.” “I need a degree first.” “If I just had 10 years experience, then I could do...
Superfans with Pat Flynn

Superfans with Pat Flynn

Have you read the article “1000 True Fans” and wondered to yourself, “that’s awesome and I want that… but how?”  In a time when everyone is crazed over the number of followers, subscribers, and customers – it’s created an inch-deep, mile wide focus. We have this...
Finally Write and Publish Your Book with Coach Azul

Finally Write and Publish Your Book with Coach Azul

Have you thought about writing a book? Do you feel like you have an idea worth sharing? If you’re like 81% of Americans, according to a NY Times article, your answer is YES. My guest today and I both hold the belief that you absolutely have a message to share with the...
Copy That Converts with Sara Anna Powers

Copy That Converts with Sara Anna Powers

As an entrepreneur, when you want to transform peoples’ lives, connecting with new clients and converting your ideal client has everything to do with messaging. You can have the most amazing, powerful, life-transformative service, but if you cannot get your client to...