Do you ever fall into what seems like a never-ending cycle with your business goals? You hope and wish for success in your business, but never really gain the traction needed for the success you envision? Yep. It happens, and I’ve been there… Did you know there...
As an entrepreneur, you must train your brain that your services are in demand. You don’t have to wait until you have reached a certain number of followers or make a certain amount of income. It is not fake it until you make it. It’s about training your brain to...
You want more for your business, but there is that small voice inside that keeps you playing small. That voice is driven by fear and it says you aren’t good enough or your ideas will never work. Fear indicates that you have a belief or a thought pattern in your...
You have heard the key to success is hard work. But if that were true, you would already have all the success you desire. STOP buying the lie that the more you hustle, the more success you will have. News flash! Working harder is holding you back from success. The...
Fear is a human emotion that alerts you to danger and activates your flight or flight system. It’s designed to keep you safe, but when fear overwhelms you, it crushes your dreams and leaves you dead in your tracks. Anytime you want to step out of your comfort zone...
When building a business, you want to gain as much knowledge as possible to build the business of your dreams. So, where do you turn? You most likely head to the internet seeking answers to your questions. The problem is, once you dive into everything related to your...