Wow, with a new year and decade at our fingertips, if you’re like me, it’s got you thinking about goals. What is your BIG audacious goal for the new year? I would love to hear! One of my goals is to help a million entrepreneurs train their brain to transform their...
Want to know something I know about you? You have incredible plans. You have big dreams. And I love that about you! So out of love, I’m here to tell you, you’re being sold something that doesn’t serve you. The idea of mindset has become polluted and overused in...
As much as you’re wanting to become the creator of your thoughts and life, do you ever feel like decisions are something you don’t always have control over? Do you feel you just react to things that happen and then quickly decide based on your emotions at that time?...
Plan – wish – hope Ever fall into that cycle with your goals and business but not really gain traction? Yep. It happens… Did you know there is science that can help you go from plan to act to success? If you are an entrepreneur who wants to be successful...
Have you ever started a business or project and put all your creative process and energy into it… but then started questioning if it was really your calling when the “passion” or drive ran out? This is something that SO many brilliant entrepreneurs go through and...
Have you ever had the narrative “If I am not successful in this business, it means I am a failure.” Yeah, me too. My business was my “baby” because my identity was wrapped up in that win or next success. I would ride the wave of success like it was validating...