Have you ever heard someone talk about work-life balance and thought:

“There’s no way that’s possible in my life.”

Because…I definitely have.

Years ago, I had reached a point in my life where I was fully immersed in success stress.

I thought that if I worked hard enough and reached the goals I had set for myself – I could tend to my self-care and other responsibilities afterwards.

Friend, this way of living is a one-way ticket to a life of overwhelm, burn-out, exhaustion and ultimately poor health.

Not only that, but it actually holds you back from the success and growth you’re pursuing in your business. 

This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk with my friend and Chief Executive Officer of Michael Hyatt & Co, Megan Hyatt Miller, about the possibility and necessity of work-life balance to ensure that you win at work and succeed at life

Megan and her father, Michael Hyatt, have discovered what they call the “Double Win” of winning at work and succeeding at life – and not only has it radically transformed the way they show up in their lives and business, but they recognize the power this can have in the lives of other entrepreneurs. AND, the best part is, Megan is diving deep into the strategies and principles of this “Double Win” concept in today’s episode – so you’re gonna want to take notes! 

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:

  • We can’t do it all, but what we can do is the most important thing.

The idea that you can do it ALL is a myth. The key to unlocking productivity free from overwhelm and overwork is to focus on doing the most important things. Listen in to the episode for a deep-dive into the 3 areas of your life in which you should be establishing non-negotiable tasks (I’ll give you a hint…the first and most important one is all about SELF). [12:37]

  • Constraints foster productivity, creativity and freedom.

That’s right – constraints and boundaries are your best friends, not your enemies. Megan describes this concept as a performance strategy that will help you perform better and create more growth in your business than ever before! Amazing, right? Do you want massive growth and productivity? Establish constraints and boundaries within your business and personal life. [15:43]

  • Work life balance is really possible.

Such a simple statement, but so powerful. The elusive work-life balance is not a myth – it’s absolutely possible and attainable for YOU! The key is keeping your focus on what matters most – your non-negotiable priorities. Keeping your promises to yourself in those areas will allow you to be your most productive and ideal self both at work, and at home. [23:27]

The reality is – we’ve been sold the lie that you can DO and BE everything, and it’s what is required in order to be successful – and that’s just not true, or possible!

Here’s what we can focus on:

What really matters and how can I do those things well?

To succeed at home and in your relationships, you don’t have to hit the brakes on your ambition – and to be successful at work, you don’t have to sacrifice your overall well-being and relational health. 

I’m so thankful for Megan and her wisdom that she shared with us on this episode. Breaking free from success stress and overwork was a GAME CHANGER in my life and my business, and I want the same for you! I can’t wait to hear the stories of your “Double Wins” of winning at work and succeeding at life!

Megan Hyatt Miller, and her father, Michael Hyatt, have written an incredible book that teaches you exactly how this can become reality in your life.

It’s called Win at Work and Succeed at Life.

And, guess what?!

The book is OFFICIALLY out and available for purchase!

I’m throwing in a special bonus for those of you who order the book! When you order Win at Work and Succeed at Life, share your receipt with me by tagging me on Instagram or on Facebook – and you’ll be entered to win a spot in one of my signature brain-based goal-setting programs!

Not only that, but Michael and his team are throwing in some bonuses as well! Pretty amazing, right? When you order your book, you’ll get access to some amazing bonuses from Michael and his team, including the double win cheat sheet – a framable infographic containing all five principles highlighted in the book. 

Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success Podcast listeners who left a 5-star review titled “Totally what I needed!”:

Dr. Shannon’s podcast totally speaks right to my heart! I love how I feel when I finish listening to an episode and can apply what I’ve learned right away! Thanks Dr. Shannon!

I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!

If you have something you want to say about the Epic Success podcast, I’d love it if you’d post a 5-star review on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.