What are you obsessed with?

Chances are, whatever it is you’re obsessed with, you also know a lot about it. You learn all there is about it, practice, research, read, experiment, do it in your spare time, and your eyes light up when someone asks you a question about it because you’re eager to engage in the conversation! Am I right?

What is that thing for you?

Bee-keeping? Cooking soul food? Knitting tiny newborn hats? The Enneagram? Co-parenting through divorce?

That thing, no matter how quirky or normal it may feel, is pure gold!

My guest today on the Epic Success Podcast, Dean Graziosi, has spent his life obsessed with sharing knowledge and helping others share their knowledge in a valuable way. I’m sure his name is no stranger to you as he has partnered with Tony Robbins, helping hundreds of thousands of people turn their obsessions into impact and success through their KBB program.

Just a head’s up: you cannot listen to this interview on 2x because both Dean & I have unmatched energy (which is definitely a sign of our obsession)! 

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:

  • “To me, self-education opens the gates and lets you run, but more people aren’t aware of it on the level they should.

You know you were meant for more in life. I don’t just mean money. More impact. The by-product of impact is money. The by-product of value creation is more success. You know there’s more. Self-education opens those gates. [11:18]

  • Whether you’re going to be successful or not has 100% to do with your belief.

If you believe you can or believe you can’t, you’re right. You have to be consciously aware on a regular basis to focus on a future that’s not evident, to be courageous to believe it’ll be true, and to take what you’ve done in the past success as your fuel to press forward. [20:45]

  • “There’s nothing better than your past experience or from someone who’s been there.

The best advice I would give to someone stepping into a new level of business, life, and success is: Be resourceful and shift your belief. Resourcefulness far outweighs resources. Stop living in the evidence of the now and start living in the evidence of what could be. [23:47]

If you’ve been listening to this and are ready for more impact, it’s your time to take action and turn what you already know into extraordinary success!

Enter the information age to make an impact and success. Knowledge is the new currency. It’s time to start!

It’s my passion to help you step into your calling, which is why I’m super excited to tell you about Dean’s (and Tony Robbins’) program, The Knowledge Broker Blueprint (KBB)!

(You can also watch the replay of Dean and Tony breaking down just how to turn your obsession into your income in the link below).

KBB is a jam-packed course that simplifies how to take what you already know, build a powerful plan and strategy, and launch it to make an impact in the world — no matter what your starting point is.

No audience? You’ll learn how to build one.

No clue how to create a brand or website? This course comes complete with the tools you’ll need to implement what you learn.

No “business” ideas? KBB literally kicks off by helping you uncover your “superpower,” your own personal cocktail of wisdom, experiences, and natural gifts that you already possess.

When you join through my link below, you’re added into my exclusive program, Epic Success VIP! That’s 30 days of interactive Mindset and Business Group Coaching and support as you turn what you already know into extraordinary success with The Knowledge Broker Blueprint! (Just send us your KBB receipt and we’ll give you access)

Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success podcast listeners who left a 5-star review titled “Absolute mindset gold :

“Part of my morning as much as my supplements are to help me be my best everyday. Dr. Shannon brings wisdom, insight and love from her mind and heart. Paradigm shifting, soul-shifting and impacting-shifting information in every episode. This changes lives. A must listen.

I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!

If you have something you want to say about the Epic Success podcast, I’d love it if you’d post a 5-star review on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.