Do you ever notice that some days it all clicks and aligns and you feel like you’re thriving?

Those days are the best. 

But then why is it that there are so many other days you feel like you’re striving to survive and make it all work?

Well, I’ll tell you a secret.

It’s normal to always be learning and evolving. 

The key is to check in with ourselves, ask better questions and keep moving towards our next-level self. 

You know, that version of you that’s not chasing the validation of value but instead adding value to others from a place of abundance

This week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast is all about choosing your way of being. The difference between these two ways of being – thriving versus striving – comes down to two things: our mindset and our focus

Are you ready to transform your daily mindset? Let’s dive deeper…

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:

  • You can’t make transformation happen through working harder and striving.

I know, this is the opposite of what society and culture is teaching you. Stick with me.The first key to seeing transformation in your business starts in your mind. Are you focused on doing, striving, and staying on the move but find you are not actually moving forward? This is a fixed mindset that will limit your success despite how hard you are working. Focus on transforming your thoughts to reflect a growth mindset. Keep moving forward and remember – failing is inevitable and can be our biggest teacher. [2:15]

  • If we’re going to grow our business to 6 and 7 figures, we’ve got to grow our thinking to get us there.

Ask yourself the questions: what is this bringing to me? How is this serving me and allowing me to serve others? Will this allow me to grow? The antithesis to a growth mindset is perfectionism. Ditch the hardwired story of “I don’t have what it takes” or “I’m not good enough” and allow yourself to view every step of your journey as an opportunity to learn, grow and serve. [13:40]

  • I’m 100% responsible 100% of the time.”

The second key to transformation is external versus internal focus of control. An external focus of control blames everything around you. An internal focus of control takes responsibility for everything. When you come from an internal focus of control, you ask “what can I learn and what can I take from it into the future to become better, stronger, faster, smarter?” Things will happen to you which may be out of your control – how you perceive those things happening, is the difference between being taken out of the game or growing to the next best version of yourself. [18:54]

It’s vital to understand that circumstances don’t control us. If you have a growth mindset with an internal focus of control, you can ask better questions and become the creator of your thoughts. 

Everything around you is for you – as long as you are open, asking the right questions, listening and ready to take your thinking to the next level. 

Everything you need is completely within you.

Step into the growth mindset and remember that every lesson that comes to you is an invitation to become the best version of yourself.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you grow your business:

1. Listen to the Epic Success Podcast here

For your weekly dose of straight to the point online business strategy, hit subscribe and listen now.

2. Join my Epic Tribe on Instagram

This is where I freely share some of my best brain-based tips for thinking like a successful entrepreneur, growing your business, and creating unstoppable momentum toward the EPIC vision you have for your life. Check out my stories every day for your daily dose of Brain Fuel!

3. Be the first to join Epic Success when the doors open again If you’re ready to take the next step in your business, so that you too can Flip the Success Switch that today’s 6 & 7 figure entrepreneurs use to grow their businesses, reach more people, and create more impact, then this is the program for you. Get on the waitlist now so you can be the first to know when the doors open (and get early access to the BEST bonuses!)