Are you ready to be victorious in your life and business?

Yet there is that nagging feeling…that doubt…that fear holding you back from that BIG, GOD-SIZED vision and mission that you know you were meant for. 

There will always be people (sometimes those closest to you) that will cheer you on until you no longer fit in the box they created for you. We can’t control how people react to us, we can only control how we respond. 

No one is responsible for your dreams and vision.

Take responsibility. Become a victor rather than a victim. 

Don’t settle for any less than you know you were created for. Make a decision. Push forward. Persevere. 

Kick. Fear. In. The. Face.

In this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I’m talking with my friend, Thea Wood. She is an entrepreneur, mom, wife, and author of Kick Fear In The Face. She is fantastic and fearless and we can glean so much from her story and testimony. 

This interview is a part of a series called Take Your Seat at the Table, where I’m interviewing the Queens from our Queens Table Mastermind, all multi- 7 & 8-figure female business owners. They are going to share their journey with you. The good, the bad, the pivots, the tears, and the victories so you can see that YOU deserve a seat at the table. When I was growing my business, I just wanted to be able to have conversations like this one to figure out how I could think differently. So…this is for you! Pull up a chair – you deserve the success you see behind your eyes!

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:

  1. Partner with your future self. Invest in yourself. Everything is within you. When you can begin to get clarity of where you’re going, you can create habits that set you up for success everyday. It’s those micro-habits that set the tone for our future. They are connected to the bigger vision. 

  2. Stop “shoulding” on yourself. Get a clear picture of what the next 5 to 10 years look like. How you do one thing is how you do most things. We get so accustomed to getting things fast, that we lose sight of the steps that it takes to get to that destination. 

  3. Get yourself around like-minded people. Take the seat at the table and commit daily. Choose 5 daily tasks that you can start your day with. Resistance will come. Stay connected and you will find breakthrough and freedom. s.

To get connected with Thea, follow her on Instagram. And don’t forget to pick up her book, Kick Fear in the Face here. You will not regret it! 

To your success,
Dr. Shannon Irvine

P.S. Are you ready to unleash that next level of success in your business and in your life?

If we’re going to break the entrepreneur glass ceiling and flip that switch to EPIC SUCCESS, to get qualified leads, to get paying clients, to get known in the marketplace, to get visibility, we’ve got to step through insecurity and fear.

RIGHT NOW – YOUR brain will not allow those things and it is VITAL you learn HOW to get your brain to allow SUCCESS…..

That is what we do inside the Incubator of Greatness Epic Success Accelerator Coaching Program

This is a place where Coaches, Entrepreneurs, and CEO’s come to Access and Unleash their Greatness – To Unleash Your Sales, Your Business, Your Income, Your Freedom, Your Impact, and YOUR CALLING!

Unleash Your Greatness

Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success Podcast listeners who left a 5-star review:

If you’re an entrepreneur, this is the show for you. We all want EPIC success and Dr. Shannon has lined up interviews with fantastic business leaders that you’re sure to enjoy. Love the show!

I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!

If you have something you want to say about the Epic Success podcast, I’d love it if you’d post a 5-star review on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.