Can a person grow their business and brand online WITHOUT paid advertising? 

Is there a way to market your business and brand organically that can help business owners nurture their target audience that leads to sales?

You’re a busy business owner, and if you’re just starting out, you probably don’t have a huge advertising budget. Time to leverage the power of organic social media to build your business and increase your brand awareness.

In this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I’m talking with Sarah Robbins, best-selling author and network marketing expert whose company sells more than $1 billion per year in products. Listen in to learn about how Sarah she hacked an organic social media system that takes people from cold to ready to buy.

This interview is part of the Modern Money-Making Methods Summit series, where I’m talking with the experts about what’s working today when it comes to getting consistent clients online so you can get a seat at the table, showcase your generosity, and pivot your business to succeed!

Old methods of selling have STOPPED working. If you don’t shift your business soon, you might get left in the dust. If you’re struggling to pivot your business in the new economy we’re facing, you’ll love hearing from industry leaders who reveal what’s working NOW.

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:

  1. How Sarah grew an online audience of 500,000+ for FREE. As a busy business owner, she didn’t have time to blitz all the platforms with content. Learn how Sarah focused on consistently doing ONE thing in ONE place and was able to build an audience of raving fans without spending a penny on ads. 
  2. What’s working and what’s NOT in social media today. There’s a right way and a wrong way to do organic social media. Sarah breaks down organic social media best practices by giving her best tips for what’s working NOW. She also reveals what’s NOT working and how to avoid spinning your wheels on ineffective strategies so you can get results faster.
  3. The #1 thing to ALWAYS include in your social media content. This one thing makes all the difference when it comes to creating engagement, building a raving fan base, and generating leads and sales.

Connect with Sarah Robbins on Instagram

To your success,

Dr. Shannon Irvine

P.S. – Do you have a big dream and a vision? Are you ready to take hold of the calling God has put on your heart and expand your coaching business?

If you’ve been hanging around me anytime at all you know that my passion is helping coaches monetize their services and create 6- and 7-figure coaching businesses.

That’s why I’ve created a brand new, complimentary guide on7 Quick Ways to Monetize Your Coaching Business THIS MONTH.

Inside the guide you’ll find my best tips for attracting potential clients, closing the deal, and expanding your business’s income beyond just 1:1 coaching.

These 7 strategies can be implemented this month to help boost your bottom line and your momentum inside your business.

So go ahead, request the guide now.