Ah, social media!

As an entrepreneur, do you feel like you’re in a perpetual state of trying to figure out how to show up on social media?

I get it – you’re not alone!

Here’s the great news: 

Social media is not really as complicated as it may seem, and when we discover how to best show up on our social media platforms as entrepreneurs – it can shift our entire business and attract real clients!

The key is building relationships with our followers through serving them at the highest level and meeting them right where they’re at – all while showing up as our authentic selves.

Customers will purchase goods and services from people they know, trust and have built a relationship with – and that’s how we convert our followers to clients AND to raving fans. 

This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with my friend and social media expert, Brock Johnson, about how to valuably show up on your social media platforms as an entrepreneur and the realistic strategies for converting followers into paying clients.  

Get ready to take notes – you don’t want to miss any of these practical and revenue-generating social media tools! Here we go!

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:

  • “The algorithm is just a computer.

The algorithm on various social media platforms doesn’t hate you, it doesn’t prefer other people over you – it’s really just a computer that determines who sees your posts. Every social media platform has the same goal – that goal is to keep people idling on the platform as long as possible. Therefore, the algorithm will pick posts to show up in front of followers that it determines will keep those followers on the platforms for as long as possible. [2:48]

  • Followers don’t equal sales.

Bottom line – followers don’t equal sales. Likes, comments, saves, and shares – those don’t equal sales either, and this is really important to remember as we’re navigating how we utilize our social media platforms as entrepreneurs. Listen in to the episode to learn what will actually lead to sales through social (hint: it has nothing to do with your number of followers) [6:38]

  • You absolutely do not need to be everywhere.”

In fact, you shouldn’t try to be everywhere when it comes to social media. If you attempt to show up on every social media platform at once – you won’t be serving your followers well. Focus on one or two platforms that you feel called to and where you feel your strengths are – and serve in those areas with excellence. [14:30]

  • Ultimately, it’s your job to get them ready for the sale.

As entrepreneurs utilizing social media – it’s our job to set up the sale, in the hopes that we will turn followers into paying clients. When you’re launching a product, there has to be some “seeding” beforehand. You have to make sure your audience knows about the problem that will be solved through your product, and that you’re the expert to help solve the problem – listen to the episode to hear Brock’s tips on how to do this expertly! [36:45]

We have to lift the veil on our social media platforms, and start showing up as our authentic selves – with our followers in mind. 

The goal is not to have a million followers or viral videos.

The goal is to serve our followers with excellence!

The goal is to build relationships with our followers – making them feel seen, heard and known.

AND ultimately, the goal is to convert followers to clients – where we can continue showing up and deeply serving them.

I can’t thank my friend, Brock Johnson, enough for sharing his insight and wisdom on utilizing social media as an entrepreneur – these strategies are INVALUABLE!

To learn more about Brock and his amazing business, checkout his Instagram here

Click here to learn more about Insta Club Hub – a valuable social media service offered by Brock and his mom, Chalene that I utilize personally in my business!

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Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success Podcast listeners who left a 5-star review titled “This podcast is my daily motivation”:

Shannon, I love every episode! Having all the feels after listening to the episode with Lori Harder!”

I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!

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