Welcome to the Epic Success Podcast
The iTunes Top 100 business podcast to help you think, act, and grow into a 7-figure entrepreneur, and beyond
Introducing your roadmap for achieving your dream business
The Epic Success Podcast introduces you to proven, integrated methods for building a business, setting goals, changing habits, and crafting a life you love — all through tapping into the power of your brain.
With my years of experience, my PhD in neuropsychology, my unique neuroachievement™ process, and the wisdom of my guests all at your earbuds, you’ll create epic success like you never could have imagined.
7-Figure Entrepreneur Stories with Dr. Shannon Irvine
So many entrepreneurs get sucked into the systems...there’s so many out there and so many people telling you that their way is the best way. There’s something that’s so much more important than all of the systems out there, and that’s story. Every...
What’s Holding You Back with Dr. Shannon Irvine
I know you: you are a highly-driven entrepreneur with big dreams (you wouldn’t be listening to this podcast if you weren’t!). And you probably have some pretty important reasons for wanting to be successful in your business. Whether it be your...
Work Less, Make More with Dr. Shannon Irvine
Do you identify with any of this internal dialogue? “I need to hustle hustle hustle!” “Time to do more to make more!” “If I don’t learn ‘all the things’, I will never succeed.” If this sounds like you, you may have fallen victim to the current “rise and grind”...
Develop an 8-Figure Entrepreneur Mindset with Dr. Shannon Irvine
Have you ever had a moment that you knew that you were meant to make such a HUGE impact in the world?? Then no more than a few seconds later you tell yourself you aren't "fill in the blank" ENOUGH? Welcome to the world of being an entrepreneur with a mission, being...
Grow Your Facebook Group to Deliver Your Genius: Interview with Christina Jandali
Have you ever had that moment when you realized you were made for something more, something bigger? That you had something you knew you needed to offer the world? Today that is the story you will hear about how Christina Jandali built her multi-6 figure business after...
Master Your Mind for Massive Profits: Interview with Dr. Shannon Irvine
I am confident in saying that today’s podcast will be a huge treat for the Epic Success tribe! I was recently interviewed by the sassy, successful Christina Jandali for her Scaling for Passive Profits series. Some of you may know my story, but for those who do not,...
Choose your path to epic success
Not sure where to begin? I’ve compiled all of my strategies and interviews into curated categories that will jumpstart your journey to a 7-figure business. Choose the area where you’d like the most help to get started.
Never miss a single breakthrough
You’re only one dream away from living the life you were designed to live. With invaluable tips and insights in every episode, make sure you listen in every week.