Welcome to the Epic Success Podcast
The iTunes Top 100 business podcast to help you think, act, and grow into a 7-figure entrepreneur, and beyond
Introducing your roadmap for achieving your dream business
The Epic Success Podcast introduces you to proven, integrated methods for building a business, setting goals, changing habits, and crafting a life you love — all through tapping into the power of your brain.
With my years of experience, my PhD in neuropsychology, my unique neuroachievement™ process, and the wisdom of my guests all at your earbuds, you’ll create epic success like you never could have imagined.
How I Gained 3 Hours Back In My Day with Dr. Shannon Irvine
How often as entrepreneurs do we feel overwhelmed, and spread too thin? Our to-do list feels miles long. We jump from one task to another because they’re all important and all require our attention. And we can never get everything done that we want...
The Brain Science of Habit Mastery with Dr. Shannon Irvine
We’ve been talking a lot about habits here recently. You might be wondering: “How do I create a good habit that actually sticks?” Committing to creating a successful habit is easier said than done. Motivation is flimsy at times and willpower doesn’t necessarily...
Control Your Thoughts, Control Your Reality with Dr. Shannon Irvine
Did you know, on average, a person makes over 30,000 decisions in a single day? And that’s just on average. As an entrepreneur, you’re faced with even more decision making as you navigate building your business. Do you feel you just react to things that...
Transform Your Thoughts to Reflect a Growth Mindset with Dr. Shannon Irvine
Do you ever notice that some days it all clicks and aligns and you feel like you’re thriving? Those days are the best. But then why is it that there are so many other days you feel like you’re striving to survive and make it all work? Well, I’ll tell you a...
Building Effective Habits to Grow Your Business
Habits. We all have them. Some of them, like daily exercise, are habits we want to build or maintain. Others, like staying up too late, are habits we’d like to break. Trying to create a new routine with positive and productive habits can seem...
Breaking the Spirit of Poverty with Adam Flores
We talk about money here all the time. We talk about money stories and automations in your brain that cause you to think a certain way about money. And if you grew up with any kind of background in faith, you might have some really broken stories around...
Choose your path to epic success
Not sure where to begin? I’ve compiled all of my strategies and interviews into curated categories that will jumpstart your journey to a 7-figure business. Choose the area where you’d like the most help to get started.
Never miss a single breakthrough
You’re only one dream away from living the life you were designed to live. With invaluable tips and insights in every episode, make sure you listen in every week.