Welcome to the Epic Success Podcast
The iTunes Top 100 business podcast to help you think, act, and grow into a 7-figure entrepreneur, and beyond
Introducing your roadmap for achieving your dream business
The Epic Success Podcast introduces you to proven, integrated methods for building a business, setting goals, changing habits, and crafting a life you love — all through tapping into the power of your brain.
With my years of experience, my PhD in neuropsychology, my unique neuroachievement™ process, and the wisdom of my guests all at your earbuds, you’ll create epic success like you never could have imagined.
Entrepreneur Bait and Switch with Dr Shannon Irvine
Have you ever started a business or project and put all your creative process and energy into it… but then started questioning if it was really your calling when the “passion” or drive ran out? This is something that SO many brilliant entrepreneurs go through and...
Entrepreneur Mindset: Performance And Worth with Dr Shannon Irvine
Have you ever had the narrative “If I am not successful in this business, it means I am a failure.” Yeah, me too. My business was my “baby” because my identity was wrapped up in that win or next success. I would ride the wave of success like it was validating...
Your Success IS Inevitable with Dr. Shannon Irvine
This isn’t personal. Do you think that your success comes from outside yourself? That is common for entrepreneurs to think that. While it’s very common, it also does not leave space for inevitable success because you’re placing success as a factor outside your...
Entrepreneur Growth Mindset with Dr. Shannon Irvine
Do you ever notice that some days it all clicks and aligns and you feel like you’re thriving… and some days you feel like you’re just surviving and everything feels like you're striving to make it all work? It’s normal to be learning and evolving. The key is to check...
Stand Out in a Crowded Market with Dr. Shannon Irvine
Have you ever felt like you are doing all the things, showing up, trying hard... but you just don’t seem to get traction or much exposure? Do you ever feel like your niche in the market place is just too crowded and you’re a small fish in a big pond? What if I told...
Brain Habits for Success with Dr. Shannon Irvine
One of the things I get asked a lot is how to change habits. I think we all have habits we would like to either get rid of or a new habit we’d like to build. What is one habit you would like to change or add to your life? Want to know how to neurohack your success...
Choose your path to epic success
Not sure where to begin? I’ve compiled all of my strategies and interviews into curated categories that will jumpstart your journey to a 7-figure business. Choose the area where you’d like the most help to get started.
Never miss a single breakthrough
You’re only one dream away from living the life you were designed to live. With invaluable tips and insights in every episode, make sure you listen in every week.