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Calling ALL COACHES, CREATORS & VISIONARY ENTREPRENEURS who are READY to 2X, 3X, or even 5X Your Business Revenue in the next 67 days, but you ALREADY feel like something is missing…

Achieve more business growth in the next 67 days THAN YOU HAVE IN YEARS

Unlock the proven, brain-based method to getting consistent 10k+ months!

In one conversation with her, she was able to tell me why my brain was working so hard to keep me from the thing that I was working so hard towards.

This has been the secret sauce to building two product-based businesses in less than 1 year!”

— Erin Mullins

It helped me recognize those negative thoughts and rewire them and helped me change my thoughts to the things I actually wanted to think.

I went from playing small to launching my podcast AND my course in just 90 days!”

— Sarah Nykoruk

This has been a game-changer for me. I’ve always been driven, but I didn’t have a framework for setting and accomplishing goals.

Now I build momentum every single day.”

— Melissa Monte

The 67 Day Year Accelerator not only provides you with the step-by-step training on the exact same system my clients learned to accomplish a year’s worth of goals in 67 days…

… but it also primes your brain to allow success and remove the blocks, obstacles, and blind spots that hold you back.

And when you apply it all in partnership with accountability and coaching from my neuro coaches and me, breakthrough results happen, like:

Amy, who started a new business and landed clients in just the first month.

Barbara, who broke the 6-figure glass ceiling.

Alex, who started getting on stages and booking podcast guest spots.

Christina, who added more than 6-figures of additional revenue to her business.

The 67 Day Year Accelerator has all the tools that make it all work, and they’re living proof as they live life by their own design, not by default.

And NOW they’re going for even bigger goals!

With this action-driven, guided brain based method, they went from Overwhelmed and Unclear SoloPreneurs to 3-5x Revenue Generating Unleashed Entrepreneurs in less time than they ever thought possible.

You no longer need to sacrifice your time, relationships, health, or experiences to build the business of your dreams.

67 Day Year takes you by the hand and helps you speed up your business growth so you’re accomplishing those 10K + months in a quarter of the time!

With the proven Neuro Coaching Transformation Model…

You’ll gain access to the critical ingredient you need to hit 6-figures and beyond WITHOUT running yourself into the ground…

AND put 7 figure thinking on autopilot to create the level of success you desire, the impact you were called to have & the life you’ve always imagined.

It’s TIME to Accelerate YOUR 6 Figure Business growth

Get out of your head, block out the noise, and kick your doubt to the floor!

The 67 Day Year program will show you how to finally be the boss of your MINDSET…

So you can think like, act like, and become an Unleashed Entrepreneur that hits 10K+ months this year—INSTEAD of waiting another year (and another ….) to achieve your freedom, income, and 10K month impact you want!

You’ll find out how to leverage the #1 tactical advantage of the top 1% of entrepreneurs—AKA their way of thinking—so you can finally achieve the business growth you’ve been envisioning for yourself and your business.

You’ll learn how to see infinite possibilities every day so you can scale your business and accomplish any goal, anytime, taking you from overwhelmed and frustrated to confident and in control, allowing you to ramp up your revenue.

You’ll soon know how to move OUT of frustration, hustle, hard work and burnout INTO a place where you can:

I love the way Dr Shannon uses the power of the brain and how it’s wired to help entrepreneurs remove what holds them back. She rocks!

— James Wedmore

Marketing expert and founder of Business by Design

Shannon really helps us Automate successful thinking -she has got some really incredible tricks up her sleeve!

— Pat Flynn

Best-selling author, host of Smart Passive Income Podcast

Here's what's included inside
Coaching Program

67 Day Year Accelerator is an action-driven, done WITH you program that holds all the step-by-step tools you need to never be stuck again – PLUS the training you need to rewire your brain to ALLOW success while removing the blocks, obstacles and blind spots that hold you back.

Say goodbye to ever feeling feel uncertain or like you’re not sure what the next step is and instead:

Disappearing Bonus!

ACT FAST! This Bonus Expires in:


Scale Your Coaching Business COURSE & WORKSHOP BUNDLE

This incredible bonus bundle includes everything you need to scale and succeed as an online coach! 

Here’s what’s included…


LIVE Virtual Intensive

You’ll start off on the right foot with a fast-action LIVE intensive with Dr. Shannon.

During the Intensive, you’ll learn the 67-Day Year method to achieving a year’s worth of goals in just 67 days. You’ll also be taught the SINC Neuro Coaching Model that will train your brain to allow success and help eliminate the blocks and blind spots that stand in your way.

You’ll come away with your own personalized daily roadmap – a step-by-step guide of exactly what you’ll do each and every day. You’ll never feel lost or not know what to do ever again!


Here's what's inside...

12 Weeks of Live, Interactive High-Peformance Mindset Coaching

Never again wonder whether you’ll be able to accomplish something because you’ll have the exact skillset you need as you’re being paced through the 67-Day Year Method.

You’ll work with our team of Master Certified Neuro Coaches to receive:

$12,000 Value YOURS INCLUDED

Weekly 1:1 High Performance Mindset Coaching

Work with our Master Certified Neuro Coaches to fast track your Limitless Success. This is what the top 3% do to reach their goals!

$10,000 Value YOURS INCLUDED

90 Days of 1:1 Voxer Coaching

You’ll work directly with a certified Master Neuro Coach to walk you through the program and support you in implementing each powerful element into your life and business.


Millionaire Brain Priming Audios

These audios help reprogram your subconscious and automate your thoughts and actions for the desired results.

These are the same brain primes Dr. Shannon developed after working with tens of thousands of high performers to automate abundance and confidence and help them think like, act like, and become wild successes.


Weekly Progress Acceleration Tracker

Includes a personalized action task roadmap and daily accountability with coaches.

We walk side-by-side with you for the entire 67 days, providing daily check-ins and coaching support. This tracker will help you go from starter to finisher!


Community of Ambitious Entrepreneurs

When you join the 67-Day Year, you’ll also get access to an exclusive group of entrepreneurs who are committed to cultivating a powerful, success-driven mindset while supporting one another.

Priceless Value YOURS INCLUDED

Plus $11,000+ worth of BONUSES!

Plus $11,000+ worth of BONUSES!


Million $ Clarity 1:1 Coaching Call

You’ll receive a guaranteed 1:1 hot seat coaching session with me and my team of Certified Neuro Coaches to personally vet your 67-Day Year plan and make sure you’re on the right track to hit your target.


1:1 Private Mastermind Session

with Dr. Shannon Irvine

You’ll have the exclusive opportunity to sit down with Dr. Shannon (plus special guests!) to deep-dive into your business.


Email Promotion for Your Business

Get Seen by 40K+ Subscribers!

Dr Shannon will send an email to her entire 40,000+ subscriber list promoting YOU after you have finished the program and accomplished a years goals in 67 days!


Bonus #1

Scale Your Coaching Business COURSE & WORKSHOP BUNDLE

This incredible bonus bundle includes everything you need to scale and succeed as an online coach! 

Here’s what’s included…


Bonus #2

Uncover Your Niche Workshop

Not sure which type of client or customer is the best fit you & your offer? 

This workshop will help you know exactly WHO the perfect niche for you to serve and specific steps on HOW to find them!


Bonus #3

Enroll Anyone Workshop

Want to land your first (or next) 10 clients?

This bonus training will show you an anti-sales framework creates an overflow of clients in 30 days or less.

This workshop teaches you not only how to enroll new clients, but how to enroll your family in your dream so you have the support you need.


Bonus #4

Build Your Audience Masterclass

Here’s how to FIND your perfect clients and utilize GROUPS to build an audience of raving fans!

In these 2 masterclass trainings, I’ll be teaching you how to multiply your audience, transition from 1:1 to 1:MANY so you can leverage your time and serve more people, and use my coveted messaging formula to grow from 0 to 6 and multiple 7 figures!


Bonus #5

The Coach Live Event Workshop

There’s this misconception that you have to come in with very strong sales tactics, but it’s not true!

In this workshop you’ll learn how to build the know – like – trust factor with your audience so they become buyers.

This fool proof, no-selling sales system will help you grow your highly profitable coaching business. This method will show you how to enroll new clients without selling and get paid what you are worth!


Bonus #6

High-Performance Pattern Recognition Framework

How do you overcome a lifetime’s worth of past experiences when it comes to goals?

You may feel like you’re stuck in an endless loop of setting goals then never achieving them. After all, it’s hard to try something new when nothing you’ve tried before has worked. You may even be wondering if there’s something wrong with you.

You’ll learn how to recognize and remove destructive patterns and how to maximize patterns that create results. My High-Performance Pattern Recognition Framework will help you break old patterns of thinking and limiting beliefs so you can finally leave them behind and create new patterns the high-performers use.


Bonus #7

The Entire Epic Success Leadership Program

Experience the proven method to unleash your clients, sales & income all year round!

On completion of the 67-Day Year Program, you’ll get lifetime access to Dr. Shannon’s Epic Success Leadership Program. 

This program is a continuation of the 67-Day Year, offering you a step-by-step system designed to rewire your brain and remove limiting beliefs, which in turn allow you to automate your success, live into your calling, and maximize your potential beyond these 67 Days.


Bonus #8

High End Leaders Mastermind

Get replay access to this year’s exclusive virtual mastermind with TOP LEVEL entrepreneurs.

This is the focused training YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS need!

You’ll get access to business-building trainings provided by Pat Flynn, Jennifer Allwood, Shanda Sumpter, Colin Boyd, Sarah Robbins, James Wedmore, Christina Jandali, and (of course) Dr. Shannon Irvine herself!


Bonus #9

Write Your Bestselling Book in 12 Weeks

Exclusive Course from Sara Connell

In this course, taught by bestselling, award-winning author Sara Connell (featured on Oprah, TEDx, Forbes, Entrepreneur), you will be guided step by step through the process of creating a bestselling book- even if you’ve never written before!



Entrepreneur AI Workshop

AI is a powerful tool you can use to enhance your messaging, produce more copy for your perfect client create content faster, and uplevel your marketing.

Join Dr. Shannon as she breaks down how to incorporate AI for speed in your business so you can stay ahead of the pack.

In this workshop you’ll learn…


The Total Value of This Program is over 31,550

But that's NOT what you'll pay!!

Choose Your Payment Plan Below:

Pay in Full


— Save 15% —

Payment Plan


— 6 months —

** Would a 12-Payment plan help? Click here **

The 67 Day Year is for YOU if...


Implementation Guarantee

The 67 Day Year Program is packed full of value and bursting with possibility.

We guarantee this proven program includes the step-by-step methodology and daily, step-by-step coaching, accountability and support to rewire your brain to allow for success and fast track you to achieving a year’s worth of business growth in 67 days.

In fact, we’re so confident in the 67 Day Year method and committed to your success that if you attend the 3-Day Intensive, take notes at all the live trainings, do all the steps, and implement the entire step by step process – and it STILL doesn’t work for you (meaning you don’t grow at all) we will refund your investment.

How do I know these major business & life upgrades are possible for you? Because they’ve happened for me and thousands of my clients!

Here's proof that the 67-day year method works

Here's proof that the 67 day year method works

Dr. Shannon’s coaching & method helped bring my 7-figure business to an 8-figures.”

~ Carl Allen

Deal Maker // Investor // CEO of How to Buy and Flip Small Businesses

This Neuroscience Framework Changed My Life…

~ Lora DeVries

My business goals have jumped from 5 to 6 figures!

I was stuck, frustrated, and self-sabotaging and wasn’t getting the results I expected or was hoping for.

Now, I show up consistently. I’ve shared difficult personal stories. I’m not afraid to sell and I now know (and believe completely) that I have something people need.

— Amy Coats

Nobody I’ve found has this unique mix.

Dr. Shannon has a Masters in Business and a Ph.D. in Neuroscience… where can you find that?! And to boot, she has digital marketing chops!!

You just can’t find neuroscience mixed with business the way Dr. Shannon does it anywhere.

— Tom Birchall

Your creativity, drive & passion are beautiful gifts, and you’re here to share them with the world in a powerful way.

All of your brain’s automatic, limiting beliefs & thinking are holding you back, but the great news is that they can be automated for success — without mindset strategies or mind tricks that only work temporarily.

When your Brain Success System is automated, you’ll be able to identify what’s holding you back, create a wildly successful business on autopilot, spend more time with your loved ones, and experience exponential results and profit.

So what is that Formula that ACCELERATES YOU TO Business Growth to 10K a month and beyond you ask?

That FORMULA to your INTERNAL SUCCESS SYSTEM is turning on the brain’s automated subconscious and ‘flipping the switch’ through a tested, step-by-step system that will turn your limiting beliefs into empowering truths.

Automated subconscious beliefs can literally make or break your ability to grow and scale your business, and…

It can also help you create a healthier life, deepen your relationships, impact your ability to make, keep, and grow money, and create massive amounts of fun (yes, fun!) and freedom with your time.

You need to align your brain so it doesn’t sabotage your vision and goals.

Automation allows us to rewrite what our brain thinks is safe. We don’t want to fight the brain. When we can rewire what it considers as ‘safe,’ it will fight FOR US instead of AGAINST US. And this is when we go from the struggling business owner to the Limitless Entrepreneur.

The GREAT news is once you know how to tap into your brain’s success system, you’ll have the secret password to FLIP your success switch from off to on… and you’ll finally have complete control in your business and life.

And that’s what the 67-Day Year step-by-step system will show you. Cool?

Ready To Accomplish A Year’s Worth Of Goals In 67 Days?

I didn’t realize that my limiting beliefs were keeping me stuck…

~ Nicole Miller

Professional Business Coach

I’ve completely upleveled my coaching program and recently had my most profitable launch!

I credit Dr. Shannon and her life-changing programs with helping me get out of my own way so that I can now help others get out of theirs.

The most precious gift she gives is that of the ripple effect, and it spreads to not only my clients but to those who I come into contact with every day!”

— Laurie Wright

I went from playing small to launching my podcast AND my course in just 90 Days!

Dr. Shannon’s method helped me recognize negative thoughts and rewire them. 

The experience helped me change my thoughts to the things I actually wanted to think.

Once that happened – I was able to build an online course and membership for teachers!

— Sarah Nykoruk

Go From Stuck to Skyrocket in 67 Days!

67 Day Year Program Is Built On NEUROSCIENCE and RESULTS To Help You Succeed Quickly In Today’s Economy

This program wasn’t created from theory or wishful thinking. It was built on a measured, scientifically-backed system and my own proven results.

67-Day Year is based on the true brain science of success, my own personal life experiences, and my experience coaching tens thousands of entrepreneurs just like you.

But why this, and why now?

It’s simple. The last three years have fundamentally changed the economy we live and operate our businesses in. It’s unlike any economy we’ve seen before in our lifetimes. What worked before no longer works today.

That means the business growth model from the industrial era …

Set Goals + Work Hard ≠ Success

Now looks more like …

Set Business Targets + Automate

= Get there FAST = SUCCESS

It doesn’t work in the current economy and that keeps so many stuck. Old, outdated methods to achieve results are falling flat, and it’s NOT your fault!

The truth is, today’s economy isn’t based on working hard. It’s based on SPEED. Speed of information, speed of knowledge, speed of implementation.

And where before those who worked hard won, now those who know how to accelerate progress and success come out ahead!

In my coaching business, I’ve discovered that the reason I’ve been able to go fast in my business is that I use NEW updated methods and tools that are meant for speed. And when my students use them, they get accelerated results too!

67-Day Year contains the method and the tools you need and helps you put them to work FAST!

I was caught up and ‘spinning my wheels’ until I joined this program…

~ Priscilla Hale

I’ve known my whole life that I am made for more, and my internal thoughts kept holding me back.

Shannon taught us techniques for dealing with those limiting stories and beliefs – calling them to the forefront and having the resources & tools to deal with them is HUGE!

— Angela W. Stillwell

For the first time in my life, I finally feel like I have work-life balance…

I have more energy to play with my son and to focus on the things that really matter in my life.

Dr. Shannon’s method has given me increased focus and as a result, I’ve gained time back in my day to focus on what is really important to me.”

— Liz Nutter

I have an outline of how I am going to achieve my goals…

My experience with Dr. Shannon’s method has been nothing but short of exciting.

I am much more hopeful and I am excited to get to work now because I have a literal outline of how I am going to achieve my goals.”

— Matthew Cox

I have an outline of how I am going to achieve my goals…

My experience with Dr. Shannon’s method has been nothing but short of exciting.

I am much more hopeful and I am excited to get to work now because I have a literal outline of how I am going to achieve my goals.”

— Matthew Cox

Rewire Your Brain for Success & Accelerate Your Business

Closing the gap between the vision and the reality to impact the world as a 7-figure entrepreneur!”

~ Julie S.

This program is one of the most worthwhile and fruitful experiences I have taken up to this point.

The value that this program has brought to my life and biz has helped me with breakthroughs in the areas of life, business, and relationships with others. I am grateful for the course, the support from Dr. Shannon, and the support from our community.”

— Shannon Robison

I had a light bulb moment when I realized Dr. Shannon's method was the missing piece I was looking for.

The core limiting beliefs I had were keeping me from achieving what I wanted and keeping me stuck. I knew this would make all the difference in my life and business.

I’ve earned more money with the rank advance in my MLM and I now know and feel that I will achieve the goals in my life.”

— Kristin Herr

Ready to Get that 7-Figure Mindset and Accelerate Your Business Growth?


“Is it really possible to accomplish a year’s worth of goals in just 67 days?”

Yes! Dr. Shannon and her students have done it. The key is matching your step-by-step daily action map with the mindset work needed to help rewire your brain for success. Just like stacking blocks, you’ll be working on one small piece at a time. Each step is small, and it builds upon the last. Before you know it, you’ll be making progress faster than you ever thought possible and getting ready to move on to the next higher level goal.

“This sounds like a value-packed program! What if I don’t have time to get through it all?”

This program is designed for busy entrepreneurs who don’t have the luxury of big chunks of time and need speed to help them get where they want to be faster.

You’ll be starting off by building your daily action plan in the 67 Day 3-Day Intensive so you hae an entire roadmap at your finger tips that breaks down and maps out your goal into doable, bite-sized daily tasks.

With the accountability, support, and coaching Dr. Shannon and her team of Neuro CoachesTM, you’ll never feel lost or overwhelmed because they’ll make sure you only have one thing to focus on at a time. This works because incremental changes stack up like a miracle. Before you know it, you’re acting and thinking differently—without the heavy-lifting.

“I want more personal attention and access to you… is this possible?”

67-Day Year comes with weekly live coaching calls with Dr. Shannon, plus weekly hot seat style 1:1 coaching with her team of Neuro Coaches PLUS an entire community full of coaches who are all on the journey to accelerating their dreams.

“Are there payment plans available?”

Yes. There is a pay in full option and a payment plan option. Click any of the Join Now buttons to jump to the program overview grid. Both payment plan and pay in full checkout options are available there!

“What sort of results can I reasonably expect from this program?”

While each person and business is different, the process I teach is applicable to everyone, no matter what services they offer and who they serve. If you put in the work, you can expect to walk away with an entire year’s worth of goals accomplished in just 67 days.

Have other questions? Want to talk with a member of the team about something specific to you and if 67-Day Year is right for you?

Feel free to reach out using one of the options below:

Or tell us your specific situation or question by:

1. Sending me a DM on Instagram or Facebook
2. Calling or texting us at +1 (602) 962-2592

© Team Irvine LLC All Rights Reserved.